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Local area/Design: |
30/2 Karabagh, Herati, Flow. & Med.
Area/City/Country: |
Karabagh Regi. Armenia - Azerbaijan |
Probable age/Condition: |
Dated 1332 = 1913 / 4-5 |
in cm: |
163 x 105 |
Comments: |
Bright colours. Good primary border
with flowers. Decorative nice design
Local area/Design: |
31/2 Verneh, Box Design, Small Saddle.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Georgia - Armenia |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5 - Embroidery Technique |
in cm: |
135 x 52 - Complete Double Saddlebag |
Comments: |
Good work. Beautiful petrol blue colour
Local area/Design: |
39/2. Chichi, Polygon & Star Pattern
Area/City/Country: |
Tchechene Tr. Chichi To. Kuba Re. Aze. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 4 - Tightly Knotted |
in cm: |
185 x 132 |
Comments: |
Correct colours. Marvellous Kufic
border. Typical good classic Chichi
Local area/Design: |
40/2 Seichur, 5 St. Andrew - Seichur Cr.
Area/City/Country: |
Yuxarı Zeyxur, Qusar, Kuba Reg. Azer. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1880 / 4 |
in cm: |
300 x 125 - Long Size - Tightly Knotted |
Comments: |
Beautiful colours. Very typical & good
classic Seichur pattern. One of the best
Local area/Design: |
48/2 Shusha District, Karabagh, 3 Med.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian Vil. Karab. Reg. Arm. - Aze. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1920 / 5 |
in cm: |
364 x 192 - Main Carpet |
Comments: |
Shining wool, with good colours. Very
exciting design and primary border. At the bottom of this picture there are Armenian letters that are an Armenian name and many Armenian S symbols
Local area/Design: |
069 Fachralo, Kazak, 2 Mihrab, 2 Med.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Kvemo Kartli Dis. So. Geo. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1910 / 4 |
in cm: |
236 x 140 |
Comments: |
Quiet good colours with nice geometric
design. Typical double prayer nice
gives striking character. Very attractive
with six Arrowhead Quatrefoil symbols |
Local area/Design: |
089 Bordjalou, Kazak, Sumac Techniq.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Kvemo Kartli Dis. Georgia |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5 |
in cm: |
48 x 48 x 96 - Complete Mafrash |
Comments: |
Good colours and really tight work.
Stylish Bordjalou Kazak Mafrash. Attractive |
Local area/Design: |
090 Gymyl Village, Dragon Motif
Area/City/Country: |
Nearby Kuba City, Kuba Reg. Azerba. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1910 / 5 |
in cm: |
242 x 143 |
Comments: |
Good wool with nice colours. Dramatic
and characteristic design. Very artistic.
It has 4 endless knots that add character |
Local area/Design: |
095 Genje, Large & Sma. Octagon Mot.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Genje Region, West Azerbai. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1910 / 5 |
in cm: |
386 x 110 - Slightly Wide Runner |
Comments: |
The best of all soft colours. Beautiful
main border. Classic & X quiet design |
Local area/Design: |
096 Lambalo, Kazak, Tri. Fachralo Sq.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Lambalo To. Kakheti, Geo. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5-6 - Wall Hung Mostly |
in cm: |
225 x 153 - Note: Fachralo Squares |
Comments: |
Fantastic wool. Nice colours & abrach.
Fachralo influenced. Among the best
Local area/Design: |
097 Fachralo, Kazak, 2 Fachralo Med.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Kvemo Kartli Dis. So. Geo. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 5 |
in cm: |
276 x 170 - Great Size |
Comments: |
Beautiful colours. Shining wool. Stylish
primitive design with many Armenian
symbols. Artistic and exciting design |
Local area/Design: |
098 Fachralo, Kazak, Keyhole Medalli.
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Kvemo Kartli Dis. So. Geo. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5-6 - Probably Only Wall Hung |
in cm: |
207 x 138 - Six Big Fachralo Symbols |
Comments: |
Splendid object regarding colours,
wool, design and work. Very appealing
Local area/Design: |
101 Avar, Square Medall. & Star Motif
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Mountain Reg. Daghestan |
Probable age/Condition: |
1910 / 5 |
in cm: |
245 x 116 |
Comments: |
Good colours and rare design. Exciting
primary border. Avar is a bit rare as rug.
Strange, but there are many Christian Armenian symbols. Attractive exampel
Local area/Design: |
110 Kazak, 2 Akstafa Medallions
Area/City/Country: |
Armenian, Akstafa, Kazak, Arm.- Aze. |
Probable age/Condition: |
Dated 1339 x 2 = 1920 / 4-5 |
in cm: |
225 x 130 |
Comments: |
Simple, but nice colours. Influenced
by Akstafa. Decorative & very charming
Local area/Design: |
112 Kuba, Tulip Flo. Sma. Seichur Bor.
Area/City/Country: |
North East Kuba Region, Daghestan |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5 - Tightly Knotted |
in cm: |
203 x 110 |
Comments: |
Typical and good colours. Rhythmical nice
tulip pattern. Two thin Carnation borders.
Very harmonious pattern and special
attractive as I see it
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